Modish Fall

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

School, school, school, and more school....

After the long Christmas break getting the kids, and myself back into the school swing has been a challenge! God tells us to get our flesh under submission and He knows this is hard, but I think we delude ourselves into thinking it will be easier than it really is!

Today the kids had their handwriting assignment of writing Thank you notes to everyone who gave them Christmas presents.

Here they are hard at work!

After a hard day of math, history, handwriting and science it is time for some fun! Legos anyone?

God bless,

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!!!

Well, it is a new year! Time to start anew! I have been reading several blog articles and general comments from people on Facebook on how they plan to make THIS year a better year! And I am so inspired to do the same! I have a lot of great ideas for the coming year and can't wait to get started!
I have already started cleaning from top to bottom and doing a MAJOR organizing blitz! Going to try my hand at meal planning too! Getting everyone on a schedule and sticking to it!
As you can see, I have some pretty basic resolutions. Will let you know how we all turn out in the coming weeks!

Until then, God bless!